This Justin Bieber piñata is the perfect gift for friends and loved ones

by Mark Teo

September 8, 2014






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At only 20, Justin Bieber might be the most hated man in music. And mostly, it’s because the tatted-up, baby-faced singer keeps on making headlines for all the wrong reasons: He pays nearly $30,000 in monthly rent for a party palace. He was charged for assaulting a limousine driver. Heck, Americans are even petitioning to have him deported back to Canada.

But Bieber bashers now have a reason to celebrate: Now, you can literally bash the “Baby” star. Instagram user Todd Simmons spotted a Bieber piñata in Brooklyn, which he captured in the photo below.

Want one? Swing by Key Foods on Montague in Brooklyn Heights. And don’t fret if you can’t make the pilgrimage to New York: Four retailers are selling Justin Bieber piñata kits on Amazon, and the prices range from $14-26. Here’s the cheapest option, which, sadly, ships without candy. Act fast—there’s only a few remaining.

Watch an angry mob take down a Biebz piñata below. [H/T A Journal of Musical Things]

Tags: Music, News, Justin Bieber






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