Tha Litigator II: Lil Wayne Sues Producers of Documentary... Again

by Dave Hodgson

September 10, 2012






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Lil Wayne is headed back to court to, once again, file suit against the makers of a 2009 Lil Wayne documentary.

Lil Wayne would not look out of place on the sidewalk outside of a 7-11, where he proceeds to shotgun Mtn Dew from a 2-litre bottle and gripe to no one in particular that the “crook” behind the counter won’t let him inside to buy more unless he leaves his backpack on the counter. But one place he does look out of place is a courtroom, and that’s where he’s headed to, once again, file suit against the makers of a 2009 Lil Wayne documentary.

The film was produced with his cooperation – clearly, as it follows him around during the production of “Tha Carter III.” But Wayne later withdrew his support and got sue-happy, saying the doc was a “scandalous portrayal” of his sizzurp-basted life. But his new beef is that they used tracks like “Lollipop” and “A Milli” without his permission. He’s seeking unspecified damages and for the producers to be banned from using his music in the documentary, which, since it’s been out for three years now, would require the use of a time machine to enforce. And don’t get Lil Wayne started on the guy who stole his designs for a time machine! That’s a whole ‘nother lawsuit.

Many will say that this suit is a misguided attempt by Lil Wayne to exact revenge, since it has far less merit than his first claim which was tossed out of court. But when you fall off your skateboard, hilariously, do you give up and pack it away with all your other toys? No! You ollie, ollie again!

Tags: Music, News, Lil Wayne






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