Deadmau5 calls Madonna "a slap in the face" to electronic music

by Nicole Villeneuve

March 26, 2012






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This weekend at the Ultra Music Festival in Miami, Madonna winkingly asked the crowd if they’d seen “Molly,” a reference to MDMA/ecstasy that DJ Deadmau5 instantly took offense to, rolling his eyes via Twitter/Facebook, and not holding back on how stupid and irresponsible he thought the singer’s comment to be.



Cross-posting the comment on Twitter, Deadmau5 was quickly engaged in a lot of back and forth with Madonna fans, electronic music fans, and supporters of his stance. When Twitter user @djdaze said Deadmau5 should recognize that his career had drug use in electronic dance music (EDM) to thank, the DJ said he’d “give up my entire career to remove the fucking rampant stupidity thats plagued my favorite type of music in an INSTANT.”

Ultimately Deamau5 saw it as an irresponsible endorsement of drug use to young music fans, as well as an uninformed and unfair representation of the perception of dance music culture, calling her comments a “slap in the face.”

“We’ve taken EDM so far in the past decade, so goddamned far. It really hurts me to see rampant ADVOCATION of extreme bullshit lifestyles to a genre that spans pretty much any age gap these days,” he said in a follow-up blog post. “It’s just that simple…you can have an excellent standard of life providing you had a sense of responsibility to yourself, and those around you, REGARDLESS of whatever choices you make in your life.”

Madonna has yet to comment.

Tags: Music, News, Deadmau5, Madonna






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