Black Sabbath breaks up with Bill Ward on Facebook, says they'll continue without him

by Tyler Munro

February 3, 2012






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The saga continues for Black Sabbath, who said today (on FACEBOOK!) that they’ll continue on with their plans to record and reunite without drummer Bill Ward, who yesterday released a statement declaring his unhappiness with the lack of respect the reunion contract was showing him.

“We were saddened to hear yesterday via Facebook that Bill declined publicly to participate in our current Black Sabbath plans…we have no choice but to continue recording without him although our door is always open…” read the statement posted on Black Sabbath’s official Facebook page earlier today. “We are still in the UK with Tony. Writing and recording the new album and on a roll… See you at Download!!!”

Though the post was signed “Tony, Ozzy and Geezer,” mentioning the post reeks of management intervention. Especially the part about being in the UK with Tony…unless Iommi just really likes referring to himself in the third person or something. As reported last month, the band is currently in London while Tony Iommi seeks treatment for lymphoma.

Ward, we assume, can’t be happy. But hey, at least they’ve left the door open!

Tags: Music, News, Black Sabbath






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