Staff Picks #2 Fleet Foxes and The Daredevil Christopher Wright

by AUX staff

December 3, 2009






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Watch Staff Picks featuring new music recommendations by the Criminal Records staff. This week it's Fleet Foxes self titled full length, The Daredevil Christopher Wright and the old school punk record Death.

Every week AUX visits the lovely staff of Criminal Records to get a mix of new music recommendations and sometimes a past album which deserves a second look. Catch new episodes of Aux Weekly every Saturday at 8pm.

Jameson’s Pick: Death on vinyl.
Why: Feels like The Ramones heard this album and then went off to start their band (even though the timing is off).

Paul’s Pick: Fleet Foxes .
Why: Fleet Foxes is a complete album from beginning to end. It’s not one of those albums that you put on side two and that’s it. You listen to this record from beginning to end and not a single piece only.

Josh’s Pick: The Daredevil Christopher Write, In Deference To A Broken Back.
Why: Not many people have heard of these guys yet but you will soon. It’s 70 percent Fleet Foxes and 30 percent Sufjan Stevens.

Watch The Daredevil Christopher Wright performing The Beatles “Hey Bulldog”:

Tags: Music, fleet foxes






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