Ric Flair did a video spot for Phil Anselmo's band and it was super weird

by Richard Howard

October 5, 2016






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So, this happened.

Former Pantera frontman seems to have a talent for showing up in the news for all the wrong reasons – most recently, he made the inexplicable decision to give a Nazi salute and bellow “white power” at the end of a tribute performance to his former bandmate Dimebag Darrell. He gave the bullshit excuse he was talking about the white wine he was drinking backstage, but of late the fact that he’s better off keeping his mouth shut seems to have dawned on him. Maybe that’s why, to promote his new band Scour, Anselmo enlisted the help of another famous loudmouth: wrestling legend Ric Flair.

It’s even weirder than it sounds. For some reason, both men were at Monster-Mania Con, which is apparently “Maryland’s best horror sci-fi movie & memorabilia convention show.” Presumably after bonding over being aging former headliners considered by many to be terrible people, the two decided to cut an awkward video as a promo for Scour’s upcoming set at Norway’s Blastfest. Here’s the thing, though. Not once does Flair mention Scour. Instead, while Anselmo stands quietly doing his best impression of a humble guy, The Nature Bo introduces him as the “lead singer of Pantera,” at which point the metal vocalist’s head whips around like “Oh shit – dude, c’mon!” Course, maybe when choosing someone to speak for him he shouldn’t go for the guy who just claimed he hooked up with Halle Berry right after her divorce. At least Flair had the decency to end the bit by delivering a sweet chest-chop to Anselmo’s moobs.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: the full-of-shit twins.

Tags: Music, News, Pantera, phil anselmo, ric flair, WCW, WWE






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