Watch this Russian metal band push the rando meter into the red

by Richard Howard

January 22, 2016






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Two words: Foot bass.

No one would argue there’s a shortage of poorly conceived/hilariously bad/inexplicably strange amateur music videos to be found online. Sometimes one of these oddities will go viral, offering the artist 15 minutes of infamy. But most often you’re likely to stumble upon them thanks to one errant click that dropped you smack dab into ‘the weird part of YouTube.’

With so much crazy shit floating around, it takes a lot to grab our attention on sheer weirdness alone. This truly bizarre video sent into MetalSucks by one of their readers easily qualifies though.

The mean-mugging metal dad with the beer gut sharing vocal duties with someone who is presumably his hyperactive, Dennis The Menace-esque son would have probably done the trick by itself. Getting Dennis’s calculus tutor to shred guitar and the local Friday the 13th aficionado on drums would have also racked up the rando points. Without a doubt, though, it’s the bassist that pushes the WTF meter well into the red zone.

Not only does he look like he has no idea where he is (and appears to be playing a completely different song), without warning, at around the 1:22 mark, the seated maestro props the instrument up to show off his sweet upright bass skills before performing his famous party trick – letting his foot take over for his right hand.

In Russia, Internet trolls you.

Tags: Music, WTF, metal, Russia






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