Wal-Mart pulls Rick Ross album for Trump assassination lyric

by Jeremy Mersereau

December 21, 2015






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The rapper's Trump diss reportedly saw him removed from Wal-Mart's online store.

A decisive victory in the United States’ ongoing culture wars has been scored, at least according to one American author and conspiracy theorist. That’s right: Rick Ross’ Black Market appears to have been pulled from Wal-Mart’s U.S. online store. Truly, this is a day that will live in infamy.

A self-proclaimed “media analyst” named Mark Dice says he contacted a number of major retailers, including Wal-Mart, to complain about a “terrorist death threat” aimed at Donald Trump on Black Market‘s first track. The lyrics in question, from the song “Free Enterprise”:

“Assassinate Trump like I’m Zimmerman / Now accept these words as they came from Eminem.”

Spoiler alert: many people are not accepting these words as if they came from Eminem.

In his video, Mark Dice congratulates himself for getting Black Market pulled from Wal-Mart’s U.S. webstore, as it no longer appears when searching for Rick Ross (the album is still available on Wal-Mart’s Canadian site). Dice says he also issued complaints to other retailers selling the album, such as Amazon, Target, and iTunes, to no avail, at least so far.

Dice’s crusade appears to be mainly motivated by retailers pulling a Dukes of Hazzard General Lee toy due to concerns over the Confederate flag on the toy, rather than any real concerns over the inflammatory nature of Ross’ lyrics. A Confederate flag toy for an ill-considered rap lyric leaves the whole world blind.

You can check out Dice’s other enlightening videos like “Illuminati in Music Industry & Music Videos – Symbolism Exposed” and “The President is a MAN’s JOB! – Says These Women!” over at YouTube, if that’s how you want to spend your day.

Tags: Music, News, Donald Trump, Rick Ross, Wal Mart






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