Steve Aoki wrote a song with Bill Nye the Science Guy

by Jesse Locke

November 11, 2015






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The science themed banger is called "Noble Gas."

Bill Nye the Science Guy and Steve Aoki the cake throwing, Celine Dion remixing EDM guy make strange bedfellows. However, it turns out they both fucking love science and have now collaborated on a track that will likely appear on Aoki’s next album.

The Fast Company Innovation Festival brought the titans of their respective fields together onstage to discuss everything from the Singularity to STEM education. Anyone skeptical of Aoki’s cred is being directed to the science and tech themed song “Back to Earth” (featuring Fall Out Boy) from his latest album Neon Future Odyssey.

“This album is not just a neutral space, but a chance to talk about more sophisticated issues than just raging at a festival,” offers Aoki. “From understanding your brain—a massive mystery—to diseases that plague society to climate change.”

Aoki’s EDM collaboration with Nye is titled “Noble Gas” and is apparently set to the theme of The Twilight Zone. The Science Guy also gave a description that proves he may share some thoughts on philosophy and quantum physics with Moby.

“A strange and astonishing but provable fact is that you and I are made of the stuff of the cosmos,” says Nye. “We are made of exploded stars and other rogue drifting-around material. Carbon, oxygen, iron—what’s more fun than that? The ‘Noble Gas’ song would start with exploding super novae, then lead to us. And that means that the fact that you and I are made of stardust is one of the ways that the universe knows itself.”

Tags: Music, News, WTF, bill nye, Steve Aoki






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