Rihanna launches branded weed line MaRihanna

by Jesse Locke

November 17, 2015






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The Barbadian blazer joins Snoop and Willie Nelson in the celebrity stoner business class.

UPDATE: Rihanna confirmed to New York Magazine that the stories of her branded marijuana line are “completely untrue.” Read our original post below.

Rihanna aims to smoke out her competitors Leafs by Snoop and Willie’s Reserve with her own line of branded weed. The cleverly titled (by the stoner brain standards set by this article) MaRihanna will reportedly be sold wherever legalized products are available by early 2016.

The highly reliable source of 18 Karat Reggae note that MaRihanna will include flavours such as Karibbean Kush, Haitian Haze, and Jamaican High Grade, as well as edibles and concentrates. They also report that the line will be available in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado “pretty soon,” and possibly Canada as Justin Trudeau takes his first steps towards legalization.

“MaRihanna by Rihanna is truly the first mainstream cannabis brand in the world and proud to be a pioneer,” comes a quote from Rihanna while speaking at the recent Cannabis Cup in Negril, Jamaica, before blowing out one last weed pun. “MaRihanna is blazing a trail for the industry.”

Tags: Music, News, marihanna, Rihanna, Weed






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