This music festival is recycling pee to brew beer

by Dan MacRae

July 9, 2015






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We're truly living in a... golden age.

Denmark’s legendary Roskilde Festival is making a splash (WORDPLAY ALERT!) with news that they’ll be recycling attendee urine to make beer and help out the environment. The “From Piss To Pilsner” initiative takes pee collected from Roskilde and uses it to fertilize malting barley at nearby fields. The Guardian reports that the goal is to collect 25,000 litres of liquid gold and (if everything goes according to plan) the 2017 edition of the festival will include beer aided by the power of peecycling.

Don’t take our word for it. Leif Nielsen of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council says harnessing the power of pee can keep Denmark music fans good and loaded while helping out the earth.

“The huge amount of urine produced at festivals was having a negative impact on the environment and the sewage system, but beercycling will turn the urine into a resource,” explains Nielsen while ignoring our improved “peecycling” branding. “I think most people can see the reason and the fun behind making a personal contribution to beer brewing, and the fact that rock music is involved will help us get our message across.”

In a bid to include every festivalgoer possible no matter their genital configurement, the pee collecting stations featured cardboard “urine directors” to allow everyone to participate.

This year’s bill featured the likes of Paul McCartney, Nicki Minaj and Kendrick Lamar. Did their piss make it into the collection bins? We have no idea, but you’re allowed to blindly assume it did if you like.

Tags: Music, News, WTF, beer, Pee, Roskilde Festival






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