Someone needs to buy Rush's old Quebec studio and save it from disrepair

by Dan MacRae

June 11, 2015






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David Bowie, The Police and Kim Freakin' Mitchell recorded in the once glorious space too.

Do you have $18,000 burning a hole in your pocket? Instead of blowing that cash on pizza, why not spring for the studio that helped birth seven Rush albums?

Noisey reports that Quebec’s historic Le Studio is hitting the auction block with $18K as the price tag. The studio, located just outside of Morin-Heights, was built by André Perry and Yaël Brandeis in 1974 with an impressive cast of domestic and international musicians recording within its walls. Rush recorded enough gems at Le Studio for the joint to earn the nickname “Rush’s Abbey Road.” Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures and Signals were all done at Le Studio, dontchaknow.

In addition to Rush, acts like David Bowie, The Police, Barenaked Ladies (for Gordon no less!), Chicago, The Bee Gees, Asia, Sarah McLachlan, Bryan Adams and Kim Mitchell are among the mega-sellers that recorded tunes at the studio. They may have also eaten waffles there. (That last bit’s pure speculation on our part, BUT COULD YOU IMAGINE???)

Would you like to see what Le Studio looks like in 2015? Here’s a depressing GoPro expedition from earlier this month.

Bit of a bummer, eh? The studio has gone up for sale a few times before and ownership’s changed hands since its heyday of decades back. As you can see, the studio has fallen into a state of disrepair. Could you be the one that returns this site of Canadian recording magic to its former glory?

Tags: Music, Cancon, News, Le Studio, Rush






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