Justin Bieber enrages Metallica fans by wearing their shirt

by Richard Howard

June 22, 2015






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His t-shirt style determines his deathstyle.

In the latest instalment of Pop Stars Pissing Off Metal Fans by Wearing Band Shirts, we have the Sultan of Stupid Choices, the Master of Misdemeanours – nay, the God of Getting Under Your Skin: Justin Bieber.

Over the weekend, the pop star stirred up a storm of displeasure amongst Metallica fans by posting an Instagram picture of himself rocking one of the band’s t-shirts.

The comments section was predictably entertaining, from Metallica fans demanding The Biebs “take off that shirt” to calling the singer “a waste of life,” “little b****” and other niceties that I can’t really repeat here. I may not know much Spanish, but even some of those comments were pretty easy to decipher – “Eff you, Bieber” tends to have the same vibe in any language. For some reason, dudes seem to be taking this one way harder than Kim Kardashian’s foray into Metallica couture last month.

The thing is, I absolutely believe that Bieber is a fan of the band as he’s claimed in the past (of course, he had to sound like a douche while doing so, commenting that the songs “Fade To Black” and “One” are “my jams”). He might not be an authority when it comes to the group (those are hardly deep tracks) but, you know, kudos to the kid for taking in some classic heavy tuneage. You’ll have to try a bit harder to convince me that Chris Brown or Rihanna get down to Municipal Waste in their spare time as their $5,000 jacket(s) suggest.

Tags: Music, Fun Shit, biebtallica, justin beiber, Metallica






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