Everclear are dropping a free album with the release of Windows 10

by Mark Teo

October 3, 2014






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For years, Apple has been working with U2—culminating in the joint launch of Songs of Innocence, which came pre-loaded on iTunes, and iPhone 6. (Remember the outrage? We’ll never forget.) Last year, Samsung co-launched Jay Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail with the Galaxy S4. As for Microsoft? With the coming of their new Windows 10 operating system, they’re partnering with—wait for it—Everclear.

Yes, Everclear.

OK, it’s possibly a joke—or, on Microsoft’s part, it could be an ironic gesture. Either way, Everclear have been tweeting that they’re dropping a new album along with Windows 10, their first since 2012’s Invisible Stars. We’re not sure Microsoft would want to partner with the Portland grunge-pop outfit—their biggest hits, after all, were “Heroin Girl” and “Santa Monica,” which were released 19 years ago. That’s right: Sparkle and Fadwas released in the same year as Windows 95.

Either way, Funny or Die have released a promo for the album, and it’s straight-up wonderful. Featuring cameos from MS-World mascot Clippy, Solitaire, and Bonzi Buddy (our personal fave), Everclear’s teaser is the best thing we’ve seen this morning. Hilarious marketing gimmick? Incredible troll job? Does it matter? Judge for yourself. Watch Funny or Die’s Everclear promo below.

Tags: Music, WTF, Everclear, Microsoft






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