The Rob Ford noise tape has leaked

by Mark Teo

December 3, 2013






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Move over, Rob Ford crack tape. There’s a new sheriff in town, and it’s the Rob Ford noise tape, a cassette of ear-shearing experimental fare, all inspired by Toronto’s crack-loving (and mosh-bringing) mayor. No, we’re not kidding.

Here’s how it all began: In October, in the throes of the Ford’s crack tape scandal, Weird Canada’s Aaron Levin began tweeting jokes about a so-called Rob Ford noise tape. Here are a few of our favourites.

The oldest of Weird Canada’s Ford noise tape tweets, in fact, date back to May.

Well, Levin’s dreams have become a reality. Today, Normal Canada, a spoof Tumblr cobbled together by Weird Canada contributors for Levin’s birthday, leaked tracks from the, uh, alleged tape. As writer Erik Troitsky describes it, the song below is a slice of “Etobicoke Noise Zone. What’s audible is a powerful energy release manifesting in squealing feedback and blast beats. What’s apparent from the cover art and lyrics is an anger with Canada’s stringent anti-stupor policy. This cacophony may herald the welcome return of political noise.”

We can’t agree more. Listen to the must-grip evidenc—er, track below via Drunken Stupor Records.

UPDATE: On Twitter, Max Cotter tweeted at us with a mysterious photo of the tape’s packaging. “I think I saw [Police Chief] Bill Blair scamper off into the bushes too,” he said. Check the pic below.

And, if you enjoyed the Ford noise tape, check out Ford’s hardcore song below.

Tags: Music, News, Rob Ford






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