10 Songs That Have Their Own Dance Moves

by Aaron Zorgel

October 11, 2012






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With its YouTube music video sitting at over 420 million views, it’s safe to say that Psy’s “Gangnam Style” phenomenon has permeated every aspect of pop culture. That might sound like a hyperbole, but when you can’t walk two blocks without seeing some schlub in a blue tuxedo wearing sunglasses dance-galloping down the street on Halloween, you’ll realize that it’s true.

Psy — “Gangnam Style”

It’s hard to imagine that “Gangnam Style” would be half as successful internationally without its accompanying visuals, given the fact that Psy’s goofy dance moves are far more memorable than any of the song’s lyrics or melodies. Even though Psy’s been courted by Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun, we’ve got a sneaking suspicion that he may become a one hit wonder (really?!). Between Carly Rae Jepsen, Psy, and Asher Roth, Scooter’s roster is actually starting to look like a stable of one trick ponies.

Wait, could we be suggesting that Psy, an artist with an explosively popular novelty song and a dance to match it might NOT have another hit up his sleeve? This is all sounding familiar.

When compiling this list of songs that also have their own dance movies, it quickly became apparent that it’s incredibly difficult to bounce back from having a combined song and dance hit. With only a couple arguable exceptions (“In The Navy,” obviously) most of these artists ended up receiving the dreaded label of being a one hit wonder. Is having a catchy song with a corresponding catchy dance a kiss of death? Check out our list of ten songs that have their own dance moves, and see for yourself.

Cali Swag District — “Teach Me How To Dougie”

Not only did Cali Swag District become a one hit wonder, one of their members was shot and killed. The Dougie is clearly bad luck, and I do not want anyone to teach it to me, thank you very much.

Rej3ctz — “Cat Daddy”

So how exactly does the Cat Daddy differ from the Dougie? God, I’m already so confused.

Soulja Boy Tell Em – “Crank That”

Remember that summer, when every kid was crankin’ that, and Supermaning those hoes? Those were the good ol’ days. Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

Los Del Rio — “Macarena”

You haven’t truly belly-laughed until you see your drunk uncle fall down while doing the Macarena at a wedding.

The Village People — “Y.M.C.A.”

Have you guys ever been smacked in the head when someone beside you is doing the “Y”? Fuck this dance.

Freak Nasty — “Da Dip”

This dance seems very straightforward, until you find yourself wondering what it is to “dip.” I don’t dip unless there are Ruffles involved, Freak Nasty. Sorry. I’m afraid that rule is inflexible.

Rednex — “Cotton Eye Joe”

Is it possible to combine line-dancing with the general feeling of an all-encompassing horror? Yes.

Digital Underground — “The Humpty Dance”

Step 1: Limp to the side like your leg is broken. Step 2: Drip egg yolk out of your butt.

Unk — “Walk It Out”

I only know this song as the theme for when the losers have to leave the stage in America’s Best Dance Crew, so this dance is reserved for when I want to feel like a failure.

Troop 41 — “The John Wall”

Troop 41 are not a Sum 41 cover band. They’re just a footnote to John Wall’s success in professional basketball. At least this stupid dance-related curse didn’t spread to the Washington Wizards. Though, the Wizards are probably the best NBA team suited to curse-breaking.

Tags: Music, Featured, Lists, News, psy, Souja Boy, Village People






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