#Top40Tweets for the week ending January 7th

by Aaron Zorgel

January 7, 2011






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Every Friday #Top40Tweets lists a cross-section of artists on the current pop charts and puts their tweets on display (along with their current chart number) for your enjoyment/scrutiny. This week, we look at 10 artists on the Billboard Hot 100.

#8: Trey Songz – Bottoms Up feat. Nicki Minaj

It’s the first #Top40Tweets of the year, and Fynch just reminded me that I’m already falling behind on my new years resolution of 20 kush ups a day. #feeltheburn

Worth Following?: Yes. Despite the fact that I find Trey Songz’s music to be totally overrated, his Twitter is occasionally funny, and overall a pretty interesting insight to the R&B dreamboat lifestyle. It just sounds like he has the best life: “@TreySongz: Woke up before 2pm today…yawn….stretch…back to bed.” Trey, let’s hang out. You, me, and Fynch need to chill.

#64: Birdman – Fire Flame feat. Lil Wayne

It’s 4:19 AM on November 25th, and Young Money Cash Money Billionaire CEO Birdman is tweeting at Kim Kardashian. Then, one minute later…

Listen, Birdman. Everyone knows that, socialite or not, you can’t smother a girl like that. She didn’t follow back. I like to imagine Birdman checking his phone the next morning, filled with regret. Twitter really needs an add-on similar to the Gmail Mail Goggles.

Worth Following: No. Birdman doesn’t tweet often, and when he does it’s usually just “YMCMB.” C’mon Birdman, you seem like an interesting guy, with those face tattoos and stuff. Make an effort.

#81: Troop 41 – Do The John Wall

Okay, these guys have gotta be pretty young, right? “DaRealTROOP41” tweeting about the serendipity of texting screams “we’re young!” to me.

Yeah, they’re young.

Worth Following?: Yes. Get on the Troop 41 train early, because the John Wall is about to blow up bigger than the Soulja Boy.

#19: Chris Brown – Yeah 3X

I guess Chris Brown got into a Twitter flame war with Raz-B from short-lived boyband B2K.

Why are so many young smooth R&B singers so hotheaded? Chris Brown only gets one more strike before he’s banished to R&B career purgatory. Then again, R. Kelly peed on a 14 year old girl, and he was nominated for a Grammy this year.

Worth Following?: No. I can’t believe this dude still has fans. His music isn’t anything special, and he seems like a real creep.

#18: Diddy – Dirty Money – Coming Home feat. Skylar Grey

There should be a Diddy Zodiac Calendar, like Year of the Ox or whatever, but with a Diddy-ism for every year. 2011: The Year of Sucka Free No Bitchassness. 2012: End of Days or Bitchassness Prevails.

Worth Following?: It’s a tough call, because there are a few insane and awesome gems, but you have to put up with tons of re-tweeting. If you can stick it out through the RTs, Diddy will help you see the way.

Tags: Music, Lists, News, Birdman, Chris Brown, Diddy, Trey Songz






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