HIGH FIVES: Marcy Playground

by Sam Sutherland

November 8, 2010






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Every week, High Fives asks five bands fives questions over five days. This week, we’re ruminating on the DVD release of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World with questions about music in film.

Every week, High Fives asks five bands fives questions over five days. This week, we’re ruminating on the DVD release of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World with questions about music in film.

Yes, when you write a song that spends 15 weeks at the top of the Billboard chart, it’s hard to shake the one hit wonder tag. But like spiritual hitmaker cousins-cum-indie darlings Nada Surf and Havey Danger, Marcy Playground have continued to make interesting music for a dedicated fanbase long after the ever-present rock radio glow of “Sex and Candy” wore off. Their latest release is proof of the band’s refusal to sit around and collect royalties for a 13 year-old song; Indaba remixes from Wonderland follows their 2009 full-length, Leaving Wonderland… in a fit of rage, offering a collection of fan-produced remixes created using the website Indaba Music, an online mixing console that allows users to interact and edit music in a public setting. Take that, lazy other bands who commercially peaked in the 90s. Marcy Playground play Lee’s Palace in Toronto this Thursday, November 11.

Have you seen Juno, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Youth in Revolt, Scott Pilgrim or any other recent movie that (often painfully) references independent music culture? How do they make you feel?

I haven’t seen any of those movies. I’m 39. My generation is not exactly the target market for Hollywood’s latest “coming of age” films. One thing’s for sure though, when indie artists can’t get exposure anywhere else, it can be a huge boost to their career to have their music get a nod in a feature film. I’m all for indie musicians getting a leg up anywhere they can, including Hollywood.

What’s your favourite music-movie ever?

The Wizard of Oz. I’ve seen it more times than I can remember. When it comes on TV I invariably stop what I’m doing to watch it.

If you could appear as a band in the background any film, what film would you want to be in?

If someone asked us to play in their movie I might say yes. But if they just wanted us to play in the “background” of a film scene I think I’d probably decline. That’s got FAIL written all over it. On the other hand, if we get to ride on the back of, say, one of the spice worms from Dune… hell yeah!

Have you ever licensed your music to a movie, television show, or video game? Ever turned down a licensing offer?

We’ve had songs in a few movies: Cruel Intentions, Simply Irresistible, Antitrust, Hurricane Streets, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and recently in the show True Blood. I’ve turned down tons of licensing requests from advertisers. So far the only advertisement I’ve ever allowed our music to appear in was for Purina’s Adopt a Dog campaign.

Does Lee Ving appearing in the film adaptation of Clue make Fear cooler, or less cool?

Lee Ving? Seriously? Fear is epic. Wow. I’m not sure how punk rock it is… but if he can act any better than Flea in The Big Lebowski (Nihilist #2), he’ll get my vote.

Tags: Music, News, marcy playground, scott pilgrim






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