U.S. Senator quotes "modern poets" Jay-Z and Wiz Khalifa during 13-hour filibuster

by Tyler Munro

March 11, 2013






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We’re not incredibly in tune with American filibusters on drone policy so pardon us for missing this when it happend last week, but here’s U.S. Senator (Florida) Marco Rubio quoting Jay-Z and Wiz Khalifa in front of a bunch of his peers: stuffy old white dudes.

“[Rand Paul] used Shakespeare references, he used reference to the movie Patton, one of the great movies… I didn’t bring my Shakespeare book,” said Rubio. “So let me just begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ‘Work Hard Play Hard.'”

And then it got awkward.

“I think if you look at the time, that it’s the time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in their homestate playing hard, but I’m happy that we’re still here working hard on this issue,” he said for no apparent reason.

From there he quoted the Godfather and then, lastly, Jay-Z. Referring to how the reaction over Obama’s alleged unwillingness to answer questions would have gone over if George W. Bush were still President, he launched into his own interpretation of Hova’s “A Week Ago.”

“It’s funny what seven days can change, it was all good just a week ago,” he said. “Well, I don’t know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you things have really changed.”

If you’re rolling your eyes reading this, let’s remind you also that this happened toward the end of a nearly 13-hour talkathon.


Tags: Music, News, Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa






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