Murs has been rapping for 23 hours straight

by Jeremy Mersereau

October 13, 2016






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He's trying to set a new Guinness World Record, and it looks like he'll do it.

LA rapper Murs announced last month that he’d be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for longest rap session by spitting bars for at least 24 hours straight, and now he’s almost completed his Herculean hip-hop task.

Murs currently has just 3 hours left to go on his world-record attempt livestream, and he’s still rapping strong. Will he make it without falling asleep, or quitting in frustration over an awkward bar? We’ll see, but at this point, I wouldn’t bet against him. He’s aiming to go for 25 hours, but at this rate, it seems like he can go beyond that.

As part of the structure of the attempt, Murs is allowed a five-minute break every hour, but going over by even a little bit will result in disqualification, so he’s got to keep on his toes… especially this late into the attempt, when fatigue and mouth dryness are at an all-time high.

Watch the livestream below:

Interesting fact: when Murs started yesterday, he didn’t even have a beard. That’s just one of the physiological effects of rapping for so long.

Tags: Music, News, Murs






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