This singer plans to perform naked with a wolf biting him

by Jeremy Mersereau

April 13, 2016






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Eurovision is about to get a whole lot weirder.

This… is not going to end well. Clearly, somebody is taking the wrong lesson from Irma Bule.

Belarus’ contestant for the 61st annual Eurovision song contest, a singer named Ivan (real name: Alexander Ivanov), plans to inject some life – and some rabies vaccine – into this year’s competition by making his performance into a “great experience” – that is, singing naked while a real live wolf named Shakira (!) bites him.

The 21-year-old singer says he and his producer jointly came up a performance based around the idea of “nature and man together” – which apparently to quite literal-minded Belarusians, means singing a pop song in flagrante while courting a violent death from mauling. Well, never let it be said that Belarusians aren’t willing to suffer for their terrible, tacky art.

Sadly, those fuddy-duddy Eurovision officials are throwing cold water on Ivan’s plans, saying that nudity is not appropriate for a family show and that they would have to see a “second-by-second outline of the routine” in order to give Ivan the go-ahead. Yeah, the last thing you want is for the people at home seeing Ivan’s dong, but a Krusty and the timber wolf scenario? Eh, I’m sure it’ll be fine.

The 61st Eurovision contest takes place next month in Stockholm. Get a sadly wolf-free sneak peek of Ivan’s song, “Help You Fly”, here:

Hmmm. Ivan’s instincts are right: needs more nudity and wolf bites.

Tags: Music, News, WTF, belarus, Eurovision, ivan, nudity, wolf, Wolf Parade






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