Bank robbers in bizarre Rick James and Super Fly costumes caught on camera

by Jeremy Mersereau

September 24, 2015






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They are very kinky robbers / the kind you don't take home to mother.

If you’re going to rob a bank, you should spend some time considering your options when it comes to disguises. If you don’t want to eventually be identified and caught, then keep it simple: wigs, sunglasses, pantyhose… the time-honoured burglary classics are all great choices!

The one thing you don’t want to do is dress up in elaborate costumes of Rick James and Youngblood Priest from Super Fly. This will forever sear your images into the bank teller’s brain, plus leave your significant other and friends to suspect why you purchased those Rick James and Youngblood Priest from Super Fly costumes the other day. Not to mention news outlets worldwide picking the story up.

Indianapolis police are now seeking two men in connection with an Advance America bank robbery, which took place last Saturday. The robbers were costumed like, you guessed it, Rick James and Youngblood Priest from Super Fly, which certainly didn’t make their crime super memorable or anything. According to the local news report, the robbers made off with an undisclosed amount of money, and are believed to have held up another Indianapolis bank the following day. No word on whether the Rick James cosplayer updated his look to the Urban Rhapsody era.

Check out some images of the suspects below:

[h/t Uproxx]

Tags: Music, News, WTF, crime, rick james, super fly






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