This Craigslist post about a drum circle is peak Vancouver

by Richard Howard

May 13, 2015






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British Columbia has long been a Mecca for the more, shall we say, chakra-aware individual of European descent. Hippies, people, we’re talking about hippies. With dense forests and real live mountains, getting in touch with nature and a spring-water dreadlock washing can be a matter of just stepping out of your door/tent/lean-to. Even bustling metropolises like Vancouver are known as strongholds for the hardcore Canadian hippy (that top image is straight up a photo from Robson Street, Vancouver). Sometimes, however, the layman may forget that the B.C. rules the Hippiedom roost – perhaps being fooled by a particularly rousing Trinity Bellwoods drum circle into thinking that Toronto can even hold a candle to the west coast. Well, should you need reminding, we present to you the following ad found on the Vancouver Craigslist:

In case you can’t read that text, it says:

Drum Circle needed for Home Birth (Vancouver)
Hello Universe

We are seeking musicians, drummers, jambe players for our home birth. My child is due in mid-September and we’re welcoming it into our home, surrounded by friends, family and our midwife.

We are seeking 5-20 drummers to start a drum circle around the living room. The rhythm and vibe is very important during birth, and this will ensure a smooth transition for the Little One. Drummers will sit around in a circle, backs turned, and play music until the baby is born.

Vegan food will be provided. All skill levels welcome.

Please email if interested, and forward this to anyone else you know who drums and would be interested.

Love and Light

Personally, I think it’s pretty sweet that this couple has decided to go the whole nine with their home birth. Some of the comments on the obligatory reddit posting that has popped up are, unfortunately, less than charitable. To heck with them, I say. Let’s see who’s laughing when Little One exits the womb with a Pharell-esque sense of rhythm.

Tags: Music, Cancon, News, B.C., british columbia, drummers, funny, hippies, hippy, Vancouver






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