The Internet loves Louis CK's dead baby diarrhea song

by Richard Howard

May 14, 2015






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Comedic evil genius Louis CK’s star has steadily risen over the past few years as people have turned on to his subversive and often spectacularly offensive style. His bizarre sitcom Louie, which is known to regularly challenge viewers both in terms of convention and their comfort zone may have hit a new high (or low, depending on your point of view) last week. The entire half hour was dedicated to a nightmarish dream sequence that featured, alongside some pretty terrifying imagery, dead babies and diarrhea. It was like one of those surreal and somewhat uncomfortable sequences in The Sopranos – except with, you know, dead babies and liquid kaka.

After being shell-shocked by those visuals, you couldn’t be blamed for not really paying attention to the seemingly tame song played over the end credits. However, those who did pick up on what was going on have clued the rest of us in and the untitled song is now a bit of a sensation. And lemme tell you, a Bernie Taupin/Elton John composition it ain’t. No, in further proof that we are all five year olds deep down, the tune that has enamored itself to many speaks of monsters crawling up the singer’s legs, smiling babies giving her diarrhea and dead babies pooping on her dreams. And the singer? Emerging opera and crossover singer Giselle Bellas, who croons over what could be a groovy Elvis ballad before bringing the shebang to an operatic climax. Yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds.

Poop is funny.

Tags: Film + TV, News, Louis CK






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