Satanic metal band confronts venue mid-set over hanging crucifix

by Tyler Munro

April 8, 2015






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Vital Remains did what many thought was impossible when they replaced departed singer Glen Benton—who has St. Peter’s Cross literally burned into his forehead—with someone even more in league with Satan.

Brian Werner is a former High Priest in the Satanic Temple and, when we last heard from him he was spearheading a religious battle in Oklahoma, attempting to erect a statue of the Baphomet in front of a government building. But his fight for religious freedom extends on a smaller scale, too.

Earlier this week, he got into a dispute with an Orlando, Florida club owner, on stage and mid-set, over a crucifix he spotted hanging over the stage. He removed it, and the owner quickly took the stage to retaliate.

“Do not touch my cross,” she yelled from the crowd.

“I’m not having this on our stage while we’re singing songs about Satan,” replied Werner, who assured her that the band “wasn’t going to break it, or anything.”

“I say fuck that fucking piece of shit hanging on that fucking cross. He can suck my fucking cock in hell,” he continued, giving the finger to the crucifix, which featured a model of the Jesus nailed to its structure.

Remember: This is a band with an album called Dechristianize.

And maybe you should look into what bands you book before we get here.

From there, Werner engaged the crowd in a “Fuck Jesus” chant while the venue owner stood on stage awkwardly lifting the cross in protest.

It was, uh, uncomfortable.

[h/t Lambgoat]

Tags: Music, WTF, Vital remains






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