Did David Hasselhoff just release the greatest music video of all time?

by Richard Howard

April 17, 2015






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There are two types of art that qualify as ‘so bad it’s good.’ The accidental kind that’s hilarious due to the sheer cluelessness of the artist (see: The Room) and the kind that looks to recreate the folly of the first. The second type usually requires going over the top, but not too much. Well, writer/actor/director David Sandberg has just proved there’s another option — raise almost a million dollars through your Kickstarter campaign and make your upcoming 80’s renegade cop spoof Kung Fury so obscenely ridiculous that potheads and B-movie buffs everywhere go into conniptions anticipating its release.

To showcase how a true master achieves such a feat, Sandberg (who also goes by the excellent moniker Laser Unicorns) enlisted the help of everybody’s favourite burger-hoovering alcoholic, David Hasselhoff. To the backdrop of one of his trademark ‘I guess he can kinda sing in an 80’s Europop way’ tracks, the Hoff is superimposed into scenes from the movie. There are dinosaurs, giant Vikings, time travel, tiny skateboards and a supercar that tackles a walking arcade machine.

Look man, you just need to experience it.

Tags: Music, News, david hasselhoff






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