Are Rachael Leigh Cook and Ben Cook from Fucked Up related?

by Sam Sutherland

June 28, 2012






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But thanks to an offhanded mention in the most recent Hollywood Prospectus podcast from Grantland (at 41:52), this old, weird rumour is getting some new legs (at least, it did when we walked into the office today to a rousing debate about its authenticity).

An immediate Google actually might lead you to believe this is possible. There are reviews of Fucked Up that mention Leigh Cook as being related to the guitarist, and gossip posts about Kung Fu Panda that connect the actress and Fucked Up. But like everything related to the world of Toronto’s preeminent liar-art-hardcore band (mysterious managers! Phony lawsuits from fictitious energy drink companies! Disconcerting fascist imagery!), you’re probably being fooled.

Rachael Leigh Cook has a brother named Ben Cook. It might even appear that both Ben Cooks share a birth year. But despite Fucked Up’s Ben Cook having a fine young acting resume, there is no way the two are related. Thanks, nerd-filled RLC (their term) message boards.

The definitive proof from the deep, deep internet sleuthing done by these devoted RLC fans comes from an appearence on Hollywood Squares‘ “Sibling Week,” in which Rachael Leigh Cook competes with a Ben Cook who in no way resembles the dude who plays guitar in Fucked Up.

But how good is She’s All That, right?

With apologies to Grantland, who rule.

Tags: Music, News, Ben Cook, Fucked Up, young governor






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