John Lennon's tooth could sell for more than $16,000

by Tyler Munro

October 19, 2011






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If you’ve ever wondered where the dividing line between fan and sociopath is drawn, BBC News reports today that one of John Lennon’s teeth is expected to go for at least £10,000 ($15,998.25 Canadian) in an auction next month.

According to Dot Jarlett, an old Beatles housekeeper, the tooth (picture here) was pulled in Lennon’s kitchen in the late 1960s and given to her as a “souvenir” for her daughter on the off chance her daughter was into disgusting Beatles paraphernalia. It turns out she was.

“It is something that we felt was very personal and my mum actually gave it to my sister who has kept it safe,” says Jarlett’s son, Barry.

And now you, too, can be the owner of John Lennon’s gross old tooth when it’s auctioned off on November 5th. That of course is assuming you’ve got boatloads of cash to spend.

“We are expecting it to achieve at least £10,000 but it is not unknown for these items as rare as this to reach six figures,” says Omega Auctions’ Karen Fairweather.

Also up for auction (separately, mind you) is a letter handwritten by Paul McCartney in 1960 written to an unknown drummer the Beatles were planning to audition. The letter is expected to sell for at least £9,000 ($14,392 Canadian).

Tags: Music, News, John Lennon, The Beatles






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