Vancouver band Living With Lions seek fan donations to keep their government-condemned album art on shelves

by Nicole Villeneuve

September 16, 2011






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Earlier this year, Vancouver pop-punks Living With Lions faced some controversy with the artwork for their latest album, Holy Shit, was decried by Canada’s Heritage Minister as offensive.

The album was funded by FACTOR, a government grant program that helps bands make their albums by providing financial assistance. When the (government assisted) artwork for Holy Shit appeared, with a cover that was meant to resemble the Holy Bible and interior artwork that depicted Baby Jesus as a piece of poo, Heritage Minister James Moore demanded it be taken off shelves.The band instead opted to pay FACTOR back the money ($13,248, according to the band’s label Black Box) and release the album without FACTOR’s help or logo on the album in order to keep the art in tact.

But it hit them a little harder than expected, and now they’re looking for fan donations to help even out the cost. Their Kickstarter campaign page says that “freedom of speech and freedom of expression are core, fundamental values that [the band is] willing to defend.”

They set a goal of $7,400 and are already at $4,614. Check out the page for how to donate and what your donation gets you. [via Exclaim!]

Tags: Music, News, Living with Lions






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