Talking Heads release a new performance DVD, while David Byrne releases some fake apps

by Nicole Villeneuve

August 19, 2011






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Lots of activity amongst the Talking Heads affiliates of late, even if none of them are a reunion of any sorts.

First, Slicing Up Eyeballs points to a new DVD of performances spanning the band’s career—including early club footage and their 2002 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame reunion in 2002. Called Chronology, the DVD will be out October 18, and a limited edition version will also come packaged with a 48-page book featuring photographs and an unedited version of the Lester Bangs’s essay on the 1979 album Fear of Music.

And David Byrne is as busy as ever, too—you know, just doing stuff like joining Paul Simon on stage at shows and now, releasing fake smartphone apps. Well, not really. They’re mock-ups of fake apps, as part of an exhibit at New York’s Pace Gallery called “Social Media.” About the exhibit:

“The exhibition focuses on contemporary artists exploring public platforms for communication and social networks through an aesthetic and conceptual lens. In an era of increasingly omnipresent new technologies, Social Media examines the impact of these systems as they transform human expression, interaction, and perception.”

Check out all of Byrne’s fake apps below. [via Boing Boing

Tags: Music, News, David Byrne, talking heads






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