Willie Nelson told to sing his way out of jail time

by Ciaran Thompson

March 29, 2011






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Country singer Willie Nelson managed to escape jail time this week after a court in Texas recommended he pay a small fine and do some community service for a possession of marijuana charge from last November.

“I’m gonna let him plead, pay a small fine and he’s gotta sing ‘Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain’ with his guitar right there in the courtroom,” County attorney Kit Bramblett said. “You bet your ass I ain’t gonna be mean to Willie Nelson.”

The concert is apparently scheduled to take place the next time Nelson is in the southwestern part of Texas. He was originally arrested en route from California to Austin when police stopped and searched his tour bus. They confiscated between three and four ounces of marijuana which Nelson said was his. After posting $2,500 bail, he was warned he could spend up to 180 in jail when he returned to court.

“Willie Nelson is 77 years old and I’m 78,” Bramblett added. “He’s been my favorite artist all my life. We all know he smokes a little pot.” [The Guardian]

Tags: Music, News, Willie Nelson






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