Swollen Members emcee banned from the U.S.

by Ciaran Thompson

January 6, 2011






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Swollen Members’ plans to take North America by storm with the release of their upcoming album Dagger Mouth hit a stag when Shane Bunting, known as emcee Mad Child, was banned from the United States after being questioned by U.S. customs agents at Vancouver airport because of his association with the Hells Angels.

Bunting was apparently on his way to join the rest of the band down south for some gigs when he was pulled into the customs office and asked repeatedly if he was a member of the biker gang. After denying that he was and a further eight hours of waiting and questioning, he was told that he had been banned.

“I’ve been across many times for many years with a work visa just like I had this time going through the Vancouver airport,” Bunting said. “It’s going to throw a wrench in the spokes for sure. To not be able to tour when an album comes out is definitely a strike against not just myself but also the other guys. I’m more concerned that the guys are going to be feeling the effects of this because I can’t go as well. We’ll tour Canada and hopefully there’s not going to be a problem with Europe, Australia and Japan. But touring America is part of our livelihood and we have a great fan base there.”

Bunting said an assault charge when he was a minor could be one of the reasons why he was banned. He is now working alongside a San Diego lawyer to apply for a waiver from U.S. customs, which could take up to six months.

According to U.S. Customs spokesman Mike Milne, “For a variety of reasons on any given day we deny giving entry to over 600 people on a national basis including previous customs or immigration violations, lack of proper documentation, criminal history and employment issues.”

In 2003 several members of Hells Angels East End chapter appeared in three different Swollen Members music videos. [Vancouver Sun]

Tags: Music, News, Swollen Members






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