Metric Compose Theme Song For Twilight's Eclipse

by Ciaran Thompson

May 12, 2010






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Eclipse, the upcoming movie in the Twilight saga will feature Metric’s “All Yours,” co-written with film composer Howard Shore according to a post on the band’s MySpace page. “I’ve always wanted to write music for film, but I never expected to start with something on this scale, so you can imagine how surprised I was when out of nowhere I got a phone call from Howard Shore, who I’d never met or even spoken with before,” singer Emily Haines writes.

Shore asked Haines and guitarist James Shaw to write the theme song for the last scene in the movie and then he would mix it with the existing score to express the emotional ending of the film. “The lyrics would have to be in the voice of the main character Bella, and we had to stay within the confines of harmonic and melodic themes Howard had in mind for the last scene.”

Haines added, “We’ve had songs from our albums licensed for use in movies & tv shows before, but composing for a score was completely different.  Every day as the song progressed–from sitting at the piano with Jimmy in NYC recording acoustic versions and reading the script, to working at Howard’s studio upstate, to tracking vocals at our own studio Giant in Toronto, to mixing at Electric Lady with Howard on the line from Abbey Road in London– every step of the way we did our best to fulfill Howard’s vision of the film’s last moments.”

This will be Metric’s first ever film composition and the soundtrack is set for release on June 8.

Tags: Music, News, Howard Shore






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